Transparent Management towards Ethics
We are practicing consistently growing management with transparent ethic management
Securing financial stability by financial metrics management is necessary to increase the responsiveness of NSCompany Co., Ltd. against uncertain management environment and the foundation of future growth.
No | Reporting date | Disclosure title | Reported person |
1 | 2024-06-12 | 기업설명회(IR)개최결과 | 엔에스컴퍼니 |
2 | 2024-05-30 | 본점소재지변경 | 엔에스컴퍼니 |
3 | 2024-05-24 | 대표이사변경 | 엔에스컴퍼니 |
4 | 2024-05-24 | 임시주주총회결과 | 엔에스컴퍼니 |
5 | 2024-05-21 | 기업설명회(IR)개최 | 엔에스컴퍼니 |
6 | 2024-05-09 | 주주총회소집공고 | 엔에스컴퍼니 |
7 | 2024-04-15 | 주주명부폐쇄기간또는기준일설정 | 엔에스컴퍼니 |
8 | 2024-04-15 | 주주총회소집결의 | 엔에스컴퍼니 |
9 | 2024-03-29 | 정기주주총회결과 | 엔에스컴퍼니 |
10 | 2024-03-21 | 사업보고서 (2023.12) | 엔에스컴퍼니 |